Searching and Tracking People with Cooperative Mobile Robots

Alex Goldhoorn, Anaís Garrell, René Alquézar and Alberto Sanfeliu

Autonomous Robots


The discritized maps used in the simulations and real experiments can be downloaded here, the description below.
UPC - Telecos Square
Size48 x 56 cells
Real size38 m x 45 m
Cell size0.8 m x 0.8 m
Accessible area1153 m2

File specifications

The text file contains the map as a matrix, and its values are comma separated
  1. number of columns;
  2. number of rows;
  3. matrix of rows x columns with three possible values:
    • 0: a free cell;
    • 1: an obstacle (not accessible by the robot, nor can the robot see through it);
    • 2: the base (a free cell, but used as base in the hide-and-seek game).

  4. An example is:

    This examples has 3 rows and 2 colums, an obstacle at (0,0), and (0,1), and the base at (1,1).